The census shows the following:

     George Laning
     1 male between  5 and under 10 (years of age)
     1 male between 10 and under 15
     1 male between 15 and under 20
     1 male between 20 and under 30
     1 male between 30 and under 40
     1 female between 10 and under 15
     1 female between 30 and under 40
     1 female between 60 and under 70

It is difficult to determine exactly who these people are.
However, comparing to later census forms, we can 
make a good guess at their names, as follows:

     George Laning     38
     John R. Lanning    5
     Aaron S. Lanning  14
     unknown son       left house by 1850 census
     unknown son       left house by 1850 census
     Rebecca Laning    10
     Catherine Laning  40
     unknown woman     mother or mother-in-law

The 1840 US Census form is arranged in a much simpler fashion than later census forms. Rather than identifying each individual member of a family, the form identifies the head of the household and the number of males and females of various ages. Thus, it is impossible to determine the names of spouses and children in the household.

I have not included the names of nearby familes because I don't see any relationship that helps locate who lives where and when.

However, the 1840 census makes fascinating reading. There are so many family names listed that still exist today. Also, you can read family names that eventually appear in the area as streets, towns, streams, etc.

1850 US Census
return to index
January 6, 2006