A History of the
First Baptist Church of Pennington

In life, it is impossible to fully realize how far you have come without reflection on where it is that you began. Likewise, as a church we need to remember how far the Lord has brought us, and continually honor those who were instrumental during the journey.

The First Baptist Church of Pennington, New Jersey was established in 1902. The members met for service and fellowship in a private home on South Main Street in Pennington. The present building was dedicated on July 17, 1904 under the leadership of the late Edward D. Crawley who served as the founding pastor.
The original structure was built in 1857 on Hedding Street, which is now know as Academy Street. The framework structure for this building was built in the form or a cross. It served as the public school of Pennington Borough for 40 years. It was then abandoned as a school and moved to the south side of the street. In. 1898 it housed a men's athletic organization. In 1904, that organization sold the building and the land to the members of the First Baptist Church. The property was subdivided. the individual lots were sold and homes were constructed on those lots all to benefit First Baptist Church. thus the beginning of First Baptist Church's strong ties to economic development.

Reverend Crawley worked tirelessly on behalf of the 19 original members of the church to increase church membership. His labor of love did not go unnoticed; Crawley Avenue was named in his honor. First Baptist sits on the corner of Academy Street and Crawley Avenue.

Church records indicate that the following were original members in addition to Reverend Crawley: Mr. and Mrs. George Crews, Belle Fultz, Mary Ely, Alice Shorter, Patti Leftwich, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Crew, John Henry Wilson, Della Waller, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Craft, James Cole, Jesse Johnson, Susan Witcher, Malcolm Durham, Luch Crews, Virginia Washington, and Louis Rosser.

First Baptist was and continues to be widely respected in the religious community. In 1906, it served as one of the founders of the Middlesex Central Baptist Association. The Women's Auxiliary, formerly known as The Missionary Union of the Middlesex Central Baptist Association was initially organized in the First Baptist Church on October 26, 1907. the first officers were Mrs. Lucretia Croom, President; Mrs. Lulu Crews, Vice President; Miss Almeda Crews, Recording Secretary; Mrs. G. W. Bailey, Corresponding Secretary; and Mrs. M. R. Crawley, Treasurer

Continued on page 2
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page created February 2008
