1920 Census |
The house identification numbers are also the house street numbers in 1920. The street numbers were changed sometime between 1920 and 1930 to their current values. 111 Edward C. Young 67 head none Helen W. Wiley 65 housekeeper for private family 107 Emeline Burd 70 head none 103 Henry L. Lanning 50 head steam railroad civil engineer Mary Lanning 42 wife Dorothy M. Lanning 17 dau Marian M. Lanning 13 dau Elizabeth B. Lanning 54 sister (143 South Main Street in year 2005) 101 Samuel R. Jones 52 head driver for laundry company Mary M. Jones 47 wife none Harrison M. Jones 24 son clerk rubber mill Margaret H. Jones 20 dau none W. Radcliffe Jones 17 son none (141 South Main Street in year 2005) 97 George Snook 72 head laborer for meat company Julia H. Snook wife none Odal A. Hart nurse for private family (137 South Main Street in year 2005) This is part of the 1920 US Census for South Main Street. Identification numbers represent the order in which the families were interviewed and also the street numbers in year 1930.
1910 US Census |