For this census, the house identification numbers are the house numbers used in year 2005.

131 Adolph F. Stephans  44  head   candy retail merchant
    Lillian M. Stephans 32  wife   none
    Robert E. Stephans  15  son    none
    Helen Stephans      13  dau    none
    Ruth Stephans       10  dau    none
    Dorothy Stephans     9  dau    none
    Emma L. Stephans     7  dau    none
    Huldah M. Stephans   5  dau    none
    Adolph F. Stephans   2  son    none
   Jane Dainty          78 boarder none

137 George E. Huff  47  head  house construction carpenter
    Laura W. Huff   45  wife  none
    Margery C. Huff 13  dau   none

141 Matilda Hill     68  head  none

143 Henry L. Lanning     60  head   civil engineer for railroad
    Mary W. Lanning      52  wife   none
    Dorothy M. Lanning   27  dau    dry goods retail office manager
    Marian E. Lanning    23  dau    public school teacher
    Elizabeth B. Lanning 64  sister none

147 George D. Thompson  30  head  interior decorater
    Evelyn Thompsopn    35  wife  none
    Laura J. Thompson   10  dau   none
    John P. Hart        69  father-in-law none
    Sarah R. Hart       61  aunt  none

This is part of the 1930 US Census for South Main Street. Identification numbers represent house numbers and are the house numbers currently used in year 2005. There is no 149 South Main Street shown on this census page.

1920 US Census
return to index
January 5, 2006