house        family                   when
131  Adolph and Lillian Stephan     arn. 1930

137  George and Catherine Laning    abt. 1826 - 1903
137  Samuel and Mary Jones          bef. 1910 - 1921
137  George and Laura Huff               1921 - 1977 abt.

141  Wheelwright Shop                arn. 1826 - 1900 aft.
141  Harry and May Shepherd         bef. 1910 - 1930 bef.
141  John and Matilda Hill          bef. 1930 - 1938
141  Clarence and Maude Eshelman         1938 - 1973
141  current owner                       1973 - 

143  Aaron and Rebecca Laning       bef. 1870 - 1905
143  Henry and May Laning                1905 - 1949
143  The Yates Family                    1949 - 1955
143  Stanley and Ann Ehrlich             1955 - 1973
143  Stanley and Selma Ehrlich           1974 - 1995
143  current owner                       1995 - 

147  George and Evelyn Thompson     arn. 1930 - 1960 arn
147  Joseph and Loretta Hovanec     arn. 1960 -

abt. = about
bef. = before
aft. = after
arn. = around

This is a listing of who lived in what house and when, covering 131-147 South Main Street. This information is also included on the separate web pages for each of the houses. However, putting the information on this page, as a single list, seems to make it much easier to understand.

The list is not complete and probably will never be complete, but I hope to add to it from time to time as information becomes available. Please note that there is absolutely no claim of accuracy.

147 South Main Street
US Census Information
137-147 South Main St.
Rev: Oct 4, 2005