135-147 Main Street

137 - 147 South Main Street

This set of pages expand upon 137 South Main Street and attempts to show the houses related to the Laning residence. The drawing is not to scale and does not accurately show dwelling shapes. Numbers shown in the diagram are the numbers currently on the houses in year 2003.

131 South Main Street
At one time, this building was a duplex, with street numbers 131 and 133. Later, after this was restored to a single family residence, the street number changed to just 131.

137 South Main Street
The George Laning House, built by George Laning in 1826. At one time, this building was a duplex, with street numbers 135 and 137. Later, this was returned to a single family residence and the street numbers changed from 135 and 137 to just 137.

Laning Blacksmith Shop
The Blacksmith Shop and the barn do not exist today. Now there is a driveway leading to an attractive two-car garage in the rear.

141 South Main Street
The Laning Wheelwright Shop. This building also served as the Laning Blacksmith Shop, established in 1821, where George Laning made and repaired all kinds of heavy farm wagons and agricultural equipment

143 South Main Street
Built as a Methodist Church around 1826, replacing the old Old Red Church on Pennington-Titusville Road.

145 South Main Street
This is a side entrance to the building at 143 South Main Street.

147 South Main Street
The Methodist Parsonage House.

Who lived where and when
A listing of the various owners over the years.

US Census Information
A listing of a portion of the census over the decades,

There is much more information available about the Laning Family and the development of the Pennington Methodist Church in the book, Pennington Profile.

return to Walking Tour index
page created February 2008
