137 South Main

The caption on the back of the photo reads, "Residence of George Laning on South Main Street in Pennington. Next door was the blacksmith shop and the wheelwright shop. On the other side of the shops was the old Methodist Church, which was purchased by George's son, Aaron, (after the Methodist's built a new edifice) and turned into a residence prior to his marriage to Rebecca Y. Bellis in 1863. Built by George Laning, 1826."

The photo is from the collection of Marian Laning Worrall. Click on either photo to see a larger photo, with more information.

137 South Main

Because of the size and location of the trees, this photo was a bit of a challenge. The current house is quite similar in many ways. The windows, six over six panes, appear to be the same. The door on the right appears to be the same.

However the porch is gone, replaced with a small overhang above the door on the right. The door on the left is gone. Note especially, the attachment on the right side is gone. A portion of the wall on the right side is stone.

The width of the house in both photos is the same. However, in the photo on the right, the house looks narrower because there is no attachment.

The Laning Wheelwright Shop, page 1
The Laning Wheelwright Shop, page2
Comments by Carol Ehrlich

131 South Main Street
139 South Main Street
137-147 South Main St.