215 South Main Street Kenwood Dairy
Did you know that Pennington Borough had its own dairy at one time. You could walk down Main Street, past the the Laning farm, and buy your milk fresh from the cow. At this time, the dates of operation are not known, but I hope to get more information. The photo shows the shed where you could purchase the milk. The open part of the shed is probably where the milking and storage equipment was located.
There is an interesting story about how we got this photo. One hot, hot afternoon, Rosemary and I took a walk along Main Street after lunch, with the hope of finding something interesting to photograph. By the time we reached the area of 215 South Main Street, I began feeling very exhausted because of the heat. Fortunately, there was a woman carrying some things from her house and I asked if she might provide a glass of water. She graciously invited us into her house, gave us a tour of the inside and gave me a glass of water with some ice cubes. I assure you, it tasted great.
As she was showing us her house, we mentioned why we were taking a walk on such a hot day. Then, she said, "there is a sign from the old dairy behind the shed. Would you like to see it?" Well! So, that's how we got the photograph.
return to Pennngton Home Page posted June 2007